What does that mean, Tertulia Resolana?


Tertulia is a Spanish word that describes a gathering of people, often on a regular basis, to discuss the issues and news of the day, as well as some gossip and jokes. Tertulias range from the informal to the serious; as the themes jump from levity to gravity, so too may the flow go from discussion to debate.


Resolana is a concept originating in New Mexico, used by scholars of community strength Tomas Atencio and Miguel Montiel, among others, to describe the gathering of people to share space and dialogue while receiving the warmth reflected off the wall. The knowledge and wisdom shared here is El oro del barrio (the gold of the village).


Tertulia Resolana: High School~College~Community Collaborative                     The idea of the program is engage el oro del barrio through culturally relevant dialogue, academic development, and community engagement.

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